The Archetype of the Gun
The Archetype of the Gun, modeled on the dramatic structure and tone of an epic poem, examines in images and metaphor the psychological, religious, and mythological nature of the gun in America.
The Archetype of the Gun, modeled on the dramatic structure and tone of an epic poem, examines in images and metaphor the psychological, religious, and mythological nature of the gun in America.
The Archetype of the Gun, modeled on the dramatic structure and tone of an epic poem, examines in images and metaphor the psychological, religious, and mythological nature of the gun in America. This epic poem traces the gun and the meaning of the gun from American suburbia, through our wars of our time, and our frontier and global myths. The poem explores why we have a love of war and a love of the gun. The Archetype of the Gun examines this national paradox. America is an avowedly Christian nation but our behavior is often warlike, in our actions and in our anthems: “Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war.” The poem is about this paradox.
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